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Purina® Organic
I Love this Feed!!!
Your birds are beautiful. I've never actually had Leghorns of any variety. Closest I've had was 2 Ancona hens and I really liked them. They weren't flighty or silly they were just less friendly and otherwise really nice birds. So when I put in my order to bring in some white eggers recently I chose to bring in 3 California Whites and 3 Brown Leghorns. Someday I'm sure I'll have White Leghorns but this time I figured I'd go with some color variations. The other 3 I ordered were Black Australorps. As it happens these are all 3 new breeds to me so it'll be interesting.
Your birds are beautiful. I've never actually had Leghorns of any variety. Closest I've had was 2 Ancona hens and I really liked them. They weren't flighty or silly they were just less friendly and otherwise really nice birds. So when I put in my order to bring in some white eggers recently I chose to bring in 3 California Whites and 3 Brown Leghorns. Someday I'm sure I'll have White Leghorns but this time I figured I'd go with some color variations. The other 3 I ordered were Black Australorps. As it happens these are all 3 new breeds to me so it'll be interesting.
These hens are so calm, they just lay around , I am really enjoying them.
The hens are 16 weeks old~~~~very quite chickens, they are still loosing lots of baby chick/ pullet feathers, I hope that stops soon, it looks like a pillow fight in the run
View attachment 1441927 Its Their protector Max- He was on the otherside

View attachment 1441930 He Loves the chickens, but one of the Buff Orphington chickens pecked him on the head 2 years ago,,, and now,,, he kind of acts afraid of them, like "No dont make me kiss them they bite" but he goes in the coop and walks around,
Your Max cracks me up. My Lab Golden would be so jealous! He could never do three balls and OH! He WANTS to every time he finds a lost one.
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