They have grown but what are they?


In the Brooder
Apr 6, 2017
South Carolina
So out little black asian female chicks have proven to be all but strait black. Reese has gotten brown in her feathers and Raven is all black except her chest is turning out like Reese's color pattern. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


  • 20170516_143100.jpg
    381.4 KB · Views: 38
you might want to ask the person that you got them from. If they said they were one thing and they look nothing like that I would contact the seller and see what they might be.

Any way good luck:)
TSC...was ordering Asian Blacks from Purely Poultry.
I was specifically told so but an TSC corporate employee...
If you give me a bit I will find this "employees" posts here on this web site regarding the exact same Asian chicken breed.
Be back as soon as I find it.
So out little black asian female chicks have proven to be all but strait black. Reese has gotten brown in her feathers and Raven is all black except her chest is turning out like Reese's color pattern. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

This looks like one of my little 8 weeks old girls and she is a Brown Leghorn.
So out little black asian female chicks have proven to be all but strait black. Reese has gotten brown in her feathers and Raven is all black except her chest is turning out like Reese's color pattern. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry, I am new here and don't know if I replied to you or someone else. LOL This looks like one of my little 8 week old girls and she is a Brown Leghorn.

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