They poop soooo much!


Rhymes with 'henn'
11 Years
Jun 14, 2008
South Puget Sound
I forgot how much fecal matter a single chick can produce in the span of 5 minutes. It's truly astounding. I've been letting the week-old chicks (just 2 of them) snuggle with me at night while I watch TV. I use a towel to catch da poo, but it's still shocking how much they do doo doo.


Bluck... my barred rock can beat even a sling shot for trajectory. That bird has foot-long watery poos (she's fine as far as I can tell) that squirt & make noise every time she poops. It's nasty.
You guys are funny!

It was suggested by some on the forum for me to get my gals out of their brooder some as they are getting bigger and the brooder isn't. Since it was too dark to go outside, I just let them loose, a group at a time, into the living room. I have a an old, very not-fancy hard wood floor, so I couldn't care less if they make a bit of a mess for me to clean up.

I really underestimated how much they poop too! But they had fun and got some exercise so it's all good. Think I'll make it a point to get them outside earlier though.
I put down an old vinyl tablecloth on the (carpeted) bathroom floor for mine to play on. Works like a charm, but there is always someone on patrol to quickly wipe up after the chicks so we don't have any skidders.
My Barred Rocks make golf ball-sized perfectly round plops...and hubby is constantly bringing in golf balls, so the all white ones are hysterical decoys!

My chicks are ploppers, is alarming how one forgets the astounding must be an auto-amnesia, like forgetting the pain of childbirth so that we actually procreate again...

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