They say chickens are like potato have a couple..


Dec 19, 2015
Dickson, Tennessee
Hello BYC community! My husband and I recently finished building our graduated coop, having started with a much smaller Store bought (big box store) coop last April. We bought our first group of ladies at the feed store - Rhode Islands, which at first I'm will be nice to have fresh eggs. Little did I know how much fun they could be! My daughter picked out a pullet, which turned out to be a bantam rooster "Pickles" We unfortunately lost one of our 5 hens a couple days ago to a hawk. Our girls are now in the coop.. Until we can get the run built. They were free range in our 1 acre fenced area... So that's my story. We are looking forward to adding to our flock in the spring with 15 more.

Here's a photo of our upgraded coop.

Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! What a fabulous coop you have there :highfive: Chickens sure are a fab hobby to have. They are lots of fun as you have found out!!
Wishing you the very best of luck when you add more to your flock, flocks sure do have a tendency to grow and grow!

Enjoy BYC and all the chicken chat :frow
Hi and a big welcome to BYC - glad my chickens can't see your coop - they'd be green with envy

Welcome to BYC! Your coop looks very nice. We started with 12 and I think we have around 75 now, including some rare breeds. More chickens is not always better though. When Fowl Pox ran through our area this summer, I found out it takes way more time to care for sick chickens than healthy ones. I had to syringe-feed 2 hens (who coudn't see because of pox on their eyelids) for over 2 weeks, and a couple of others for over a week each. Two adults and over a dozen chicks died from other causes on top of the Fowl Pox. My advice is to be very careful adding birds and read up on diseases first so you don't learn the hard way like I did. We didn't keep our new birds in quarantine long enough, nor did we ask about vaccinations or health history from the previous owners. I had dreams of organic farming, and I still try, and not just because we have bees. But I don't want chickens dying either, so I keep meds like Tylan and Ivermectin in stock and watch for signs of disease and/or parasites so we can catch them early. Just prepare for the worst to help keep the worst from happening. I wish you and your chickens many happy years together!

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