They're here! 18 baby chicks!


7 Years
Sep 12, 2012
The order arrived today, as expected. I got the call from the post office long before my alarm went off for work!

And, naturally, I haven't slept since then! LOL!

Seven Buff-Laced Polish, 1 Phoenix roo, 6 Sumatras, 3 leghorn pullets, and a golden polish! The golden polish was tossed in for free, but there was no doubt in identifying what it was. Just wish I knew if it was a pullet or cockerel!
Called out of work to be with them and keep an eye out on them today, lol! Shame, shame...

Since they are actually four days old now, I gave them their first batch of baby mealworms (I raise those myself too). The buff-laced polish are the first chicks I have ever seen to eat the mealworms SIDEWAYS! Every other chick I have dealt with had to turn them and eat them head first, or tail first. But the polish just chomp them down as-is!
A few new pics of them :-D

I'll be taking more photos as I get time.

All of them in the brooder in black and white. It makes the color a little softer than the other photo above.

One of the Buff-Laced Polish being held by my niece

Another Buff-Laced Polish being held by my niece
Adorable! Enjoy your new babies!

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