Thirsty chickens


Aug 6, 2019
Southern California
I set up a watering system for my chickens...Those red cups with the yellow stems inside to refill the cups as they drink. Maybe my chickens are dumb or do I need to teach them to tap the yellow stem to refill the water cup? They drank all the water out of the cups and now the cups are empty and the chickens are thirsty and the cups are dry.
What do I do?
I set up a watering system for my chickens...Those red cups with the yellow stems inside to refill the cups as they drink. Maybe my chickens are dumb or do I need to teach them to tap the yellow stem to refill the water cup? They drank all the water out of the cups and now the cups are empty and the chickens are thirsty and the cups are dry.
What do I do?
They aren't dumb you will just need to show them how to use such device. Once you show one or 2 they will show the rest and all will follow. Chickens are used to dipping their beak in water and drinking not having to make the water come out. It just takes some teaching on your part and all will be fine. Good luck
What do I do?
Be patient, they'll figure it out.
Some figure it out in hours, others take days to weeks.
If it is very hot where you are, best to give them the old waterer in the evening so they don't go to roost dehydrated.
Not a good idea to switch to nipple/cup waterers in extreme temps.

Oh, and Welcome to BYC! @timmersgal
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
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