This is unusual to say the least but a really awesome picture - Rooster watching over the babies


9 Years
Apr 9, 2014
A very good friend of mine has an awesome organic farm and has a lot of roosters.
The rooster in this picture is called the garage rooster. He has had a tough life
so far because he has been beaten
up by the other roosters and kicked out of the hen houses at night.
So he has become
the garage rooster at night. He's very gentle and a really great chicken.
I think he's the best rooster on the property

When there are babies present in brooders, he is insists on watching over them at night.
Here he is watching over 56 chicks and 10 ducklings. The ducklings are in a different
brooder to his left. This is where he roosts every night when babies are present.


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