This little dove stops by everyday, don't know what to give it for food.


Jun 23, 2021


This particular dove stops by everyday for about 4 times a day. Sometimes it brings a friend and they just sit on the railing there and coo. It did try to come down once but my rooster just ran straight for it confused and scared the dove off. Nonetheless it returned a few minutes later. I would really like to feed the little dude. Tried giving it cracked corn but it didn't eat it. Gave it some water in a little bowl it didn't drink any. Any idea what to give the dude?
Our late neighbour kept lots of these cute African collared doves. They came over every morning to sit on our pergolas and watch us having breakfast.

They were very tame and friendly, each time I tried to shoo them away, they ended up sitting on my arms and cooing to me. :cool:

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