I think my rooster has a death wish.
Roughly six months ago Thor expressed his first desire to die. One evening instead of going to the coop to roost with the others, Thor decided that the handlebars on my SO's harley would make a good roost. It was sitting on the front walkway at the time. The only thing that saved Thor's life that time was the fact that I spotted him a nano second before my SO did. *whew*
I thought that Thor had since grown out of the self-destructive stage, but I was wrong.
This morning I'm enjoying some peaceful time sitting in the office, browsing BYC
when I hear my SO curse a blue streak and run out the front door. I made it out the back door faster. THOR! standing on the roof of my SO's fresh waxed jeep! He was joining a hen in the egg song.
He couldn't pick my jeep, oh no.
I'm still amazed that he made it up to the roof of the jeep at all. With the lift kit the roof of the jeep is almost 6 ft. high.
Maybe this rooster will live to see his first birthday, but I'm not betting on it.
Roughly six months ago Thor expressed his first desire to die. One evening instead of going to the coop to roost with the others, Thor decided that the handlebars on my SO's harley would make a good roost. It was sitting on the front walkway at the time. The only thing that saved Thor's life that time was the fact that I spotted him a nano second before my SO did. *whew*
I thought that Thor had since grown out of the self-destructive stage, but I was wrong.
This morning I'm enjoying some peaceful time sitting in the office, browsing BYC

He couldn't pick my jeep, oh no.

I'm still amazed that he made it up to the roof of the jeep at all. With the lift kit the roof of the jeep is almost 6 ft. high.
Maybe this rooster will live to see his first birthday, but I'm not betting on it.