those with older cornish cross...


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 28, 2013
Do the males ever start to crow. at 8 weeks the males and females are so quiet....
I've kept a handful up to 20 weeks and hen past a year but the only rooster from the batch did start to "crow" after right before he died(reasons unknown.) His crow sounded more like duck's quack though. It was quite humorous. The hen I kept did could get noisy at times but it was never annoying.
Do the males ever start to crow. at 8 weeks the males and females are so quiet....
When I look at mine....9 weeks old.....I expect it....but I think it is because they are so large. I think it's kinda like the big kid in your elementary school class....he is bigger than everybody else the same age, but he goes through puberty about the same time as everybody else.....just my opinion.
My CX definitely are maturing slower than my Red Rangers. Some of the RR cockerels are already crowing at 9 weeks, and all the boys have been playing fighting games for at least a couple weeks. The CX seem to stay chicks longer.
The one cx rooster I kept didnt crow till about 3 months old. Then it was a half crow, then screech. He lived another 2 months, then he croaked.
The one cx rooster I kept didnt crow till about 3 months old. Then it was a half crow, then screech. He lived another 2 months, then he croaked.

So, if I can recap, crow, screech, croak?

Sorry, I am sleep deprived and have been working far too many hours over the last few weeks, so I am finding the weirdest things funny.
My CX definitely are maturing slower than my Red Rangers. Some of the RR cockerels are already crowing at 9 weeks, and all the boys have been playing fighting games for at least a couple weeks. The CX seem to stay chicks longer.
I am processing my CX this coming weekend and next, and then I have RR's coming May 13. Have you processed any of your RR's? My concern is the tenderness of the meat if the RR cockerels begin crowing at 9 weeks of age. I am thinking that I might try to get my order changed to all pullets instead of straight run, just in case. After I ordered my RR's, I began thinking about the 80 day maturation, so that is 11-12 weeks and wondering about the sexual maturity of the boys. I guess time will tell if I get straight run chicks.

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