Yay, more bantams for me.
I wasn’t originally going to get a d’uccle, but ugh! she was just too cute and the lady said it was most likely a hen, so... i brought her home too...
So here we have it, 2 D’uccle silkie crosses and a Belgium D’uccle. I gave away two LF hens to make room for these bantams in hopes that when they mature I will have a more balanced flock (3LF and 4 Bantams).
so... any guesses on gender? Will the crosses eventually grow muffs?
They’re around 6 weeks old.
Oh, and, I know the silkie crosses will be hard to sex, but hey, no harm in trying! I have a feeling S’uccle One (yes, that’s what I’m calling them!) is a roo, based on how it’s slightly bigger and more confident/active than the others.
Here we go!
d’uccle (more pics below)
S’uccle One (More black)
S’uccle Two (Mostly white)
I wasn’t originally going to get a d’uccle, but ugh! she was just too cute and the lady said it was most likely a hen, so... i brought her home too...
So here we have it, 2 D’uccle silkie crosses and a Belgium D’uccle. I gave away two LF hens to make room for these bantams in hopes that when they mature I will have a more balanced flock (3LF and 4 Bantams).
so... any guesses on gender? Will the crosses eventually grow muffs?
They’re around 6 weeks old.
Oh, and, I know the silkie crosses will be hard to sex, but hey, no harm in trying! I have a feeling S’uccle One (yes, that’s what I’m calling them!) is a roo, based on how it’s slightly bigger and more confident/active than the others.
Here we go!
d’uccle (more pics below)

S’uccle One (More black)

S’uccle Two (Mostly white)