Three Crossbred Cockerels N GA (pics) SOLD


12 Years
Mar 12, 2007
Alfordsville, IN
All are sired by my Silver Phoenix rooster. Two are half Barred Rock, one is half Blue Ameraucauna (and is a gorgeous blue).

They were hatched 8/1/08.



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I remember having those SP/BR cockerels hatch here with their sister, Raven. I had three of them and I thought they were BR pullets...for about four weeks, then the red combs started showing up. They were very sweet, friendly birds! And my CJ looks like your Ameraucana cross, doesn't he?

And yeah, Cyn...he does! I'm REALLY tempted to keep that Blue Boy, but I dunno why on Earth I would. Its actually pretty nice not having a rooster. Quite at 3:am except for the darn donkey.

Course I have all these pure BR chicks in the brooder...who wants to bet I keep one?
I haven't spoken to that guy in a long while as I haven't had any trouble selling PB BR roos at the age he requires them (16 wks +) by private sale. He does still have chickens though, so I assume the answer is yes.

Also, there's another guy who will take very young ones off your hands just down the road from me. He'll take them as soon as they are ready to be out of the brooder. Of course, no profit for us, because he has to raise them.

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