three NEW girls....breed/gender?


In the Brooder
May 4, 2015
Hi everyone I have obtained 3 new girls and curious as to their breed? I think the Carmel color is an Ameracana, the big black and white is a cockoo maran and the dark copper I'm unsure off. I'm about 80% sure the maran is a roo, but he/she doesn't know it yet. The copper one I'm about 45% sure is another roo. Any help would be great!!!
From a distance they look like pretty chickens! However, it's really hard to tell much from that far away. Do you have any other pictures that are closer up?
The caramel one is an Easter Egger (if it has a blue egg gene) definitely not an Amaraucana. The black and white one appears to be a cuckoo marans. I can't see the copper one well enough to guess. I also can't guess what their sexes are.
Good call. Would that make it a production black, then? I'm not sure what color skin they have. maybe just a mixed breed.....I think barred Hollands are supposed to have light skin, but they have red lobes.

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