Three week old chick with growth appearing on top of beak


6 Years
Feb 20, 2013
Any ideas what it is? I noticed this guy standing alone yesterday, beak pointed upward and figured something was amiss. Today I noted a growth at the base of his beak. I asked one of the locals about it and he called it "buba" (pronounced boobah in Spanish) and said if not treated it could continue to grow and might eventually prevent the bird from seeing or eating.

From what I've found on the internet so far, it looks like it's caused by a virus, viruela aviar.

It's night time here so if I can, I'll post some pics tomorrow. And yes, appears to be a foul pox from what I can find on the internet. We've already looked up treatment options and will isolate 2 birds tonight.
The scabs are very contagious even after they fall off, and so scabs should not be disturbed. The disease can slowly spread through the flock over months. Fortunately, they can become immune to that particular strain in the future. Dry pox usually goes away in about 3 weeks, but some birds can get wet pox where they are yellow lesions inside the mouth and airway, making it hard to eat and breathe. If any birds seem seriously ill, look inside the beak and throat for lesions.

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