Tips on Chicks?


7 Years
Mar 27, 2012
Las Vegas, Nevada
Hey ya"ll! I've raised chicks before and all but this year, I wanna do the best I can. Are there any tips about raising them? I wanna make this a good experience and have healthy flock. In the past, I took care of them but I'm not sure if I made them happy or if I could have done more for them. I care about my animals a lot so I wanna make sure their happy and healthy. Thanks!
Give them plenty space in the brooder, allow 2sq foot per chick if you can.
Hang the heat lamp so they have warm and cooler spots to hang out in.
Hang a feather duster in the brooder for them to crawl under (not too close to the heat lamp!!) My chicks loved their feather duster "mom"
Put some organic ACV (apple cider vinegar) in their drink water to prevent pasty butt.
Start giving safe treats like meal worms and spinach when they are around 2 weeks old. And remember to give them grit when you feed treats.
Spend time with them. Talk to them, play with them. Chicks like attention!
The feather duster is a great idea, never heard of it before. You could also feed your chicks yogurt as a treat, they love it and it has good stuff like probiotics in there for them. Also do not put ACV in a metal waterer, make sure its plastic. And if you dont have roost in your brooder yet, they enjoy those as well.
Make them a small secure pen outdoors to give them a break from the brooder. Just not too long at a time to get chilled and make sure they are safe.
Also, I would go sit on the grass with my baby chicks and let them play in the grass. They love the teeny bugs that we can't see. They told me that they had enough when they started trying to cuddle under my legs.

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