Tonight is the last night


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
The last night that I keep the shutters closed over my coop windows (until next Fall). The last night the overnight low is predicted to be below 40. Forty being my benchmark for closing them at night.
I'm glad! No more struggling to get them open in the morning and struggling to close them at night.

I'm sure my birds will be happy to.

Spring has sprung!
That reminds me. I get to turn off the light hanging over the pipes in the pump house, too. Sure hope Mama mouse isn't too upset. She's made a nest between the water faucet and the light - the easier to jump out at me every time I go to turn the faucet on to water the chickens.
Oh well, she'll have to get over it.
It snowed here in Middle TN yesterday and was miserable, but it didn't stick. The sun is out today and it's supposed to get in the low 60s this weekend. DH has put a new coat of paint on his bass boat, the crocus are peeping out of the ground, so SPRING should be here soon. PLEASE!
Our daffodils are blooming everywhere. I'm from North Carolina and that's what I call them. DH calls them jonquils (sp?). The yellow bell (forsythia) bush is trying to bloom, but it's having trouble this year. Maybe it's finally succumbing to DH trying to kill it every winter.
I am so jealous! But I think this weekend's weather will start everything blooming. I know we suddenly seem to have an abundance of Robins and I noticed birds singing this morning when I left for work - so that's a good sign.
Yep, I woke up yesterday morning and the hill in front of our house was literally covered with robins. The cardinals were singing when I took the pup out this morning and there's itty bitty calves in every pasture.
I love spring!
humph! The sun is shining and the sky is blue and our high is supposed to be about 40 today. But no daffodils or jonquils for quite a while yet. Quit gloating Kat,
My 10 day forecast shows nights below 40 but not below freezing. I'm sure I'll still get a few more freezing nights, but it is finally dry enough to get the spring garden in. I am heading to Chicken Holler to get my spring garden seeds and plants this morning. Chicken Holler is a gardening center, no chicken feed there.

I'll still leave my black rubber water bowl out for a while longer. That's the only real difference in winter and summer set-up for me, at least until I build a tractor.

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