Too cold for chicks? Too Bright for chicks?


6 Years
Apr 19, 2013
I had to change the chick brooder because i felt it was too small for my four chicks and i purchased a larger plastic bin for them
currently, at the middle of the brooder it is 82 degrees, and I have a hot side where my red lamp is located, along with another side where i had put a bright light.

I have two questions. Can certain lights hurt chicks eyes/ blind them? They seem comfortable at the moment, so im guessing its okay.

Also, is the temprature okay? I have 2~3 week olds.
If they seem comfortable don't worry. If they are huddling and act cold then I'd lower the light. I have never heard of a light blinding them, because they don't actually look at the light. It's a form of warmth for them, nothing more.

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