Too cold to let broody hen hatch eggs???

I have a very stubborn broody hen who has stopped laying. It's almost October, should I let her hatch a few eggs? Or is autumn too cold for hatching chicks?

Where are you located and what kind of temperatures can you expect in late October and early November?

Here in Central NC I'd be fine. Northern Maine, maybe not. :D
She is 6 months old, never raised chicks before.

I love in south west Missouri. We get our first frost usually mid October.

It gets cold here, but definitely not like Maine!
You might want to follow this link, she had much worse winter weather than you will.

There are risks no matter when you hatch. The main difference is that it is a little more risky. What might be an inconvenience in summer can be more serious in winter weather. As you see in that post it can work out great.

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