too early to tell the gender of my EE?


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 20, 2012
New York
So I'm a first timer and this chick is my first ever hatch. It came from a green egg so Im assuming its an Easter Egger. I read MANY sites about sexing and some people say vent sexing is good but not easy for the inexperienced such as myself. Then I read about feather sexing. URGH so confusing.
So chickie is almost 7 days old and has some wing feathers that I thought may give me a hint.

waaaaay too early, but I am going to say cockeral, only because it seems like every EE chick I have had that is beautifully marked has ended up being a roo
Vent sexing should never be done by anyone except by those trained to do so. Feather sexing only applies to a specific list of pure bred chickens and only when used during the first 3 days after hatch. Your chick is much too young yet to sex. When 4-5 weeks old, a much better guess can be made. If it's any consolation, I think it looks like a girl so far....
there are several threads on here to help you tell gender on EEs, but simply put: you should be able to start telling by at least week six, more likely week 4 as the feathers start coming in. The comb on a cockeral will fill out and be a bumpy red, with the pullets it will be hardly noticeble at all. If you post pics of them about week 4, you should get more help then.

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