Too young to be sqatting?


10 Years
Apr 9, 2009
western NC
Two of my 15 week old Delaware pullets are tending to squat when I pet them- isn't this awfully early?
I checked some other threads that said they can start that behavior a few weeks before they start laying, so maybe I might get a little action as early as 18 weeks? Or do they tend to do that for longer if they start so young?
I found a thread that had tables as to at what age each breed begins to lay. If you go to "Search" you might find it.
My RIR began laying before the 18 week mark. It was a huge surprize since I was figuring they would start laying until this spring but they have been cranking out eggs all winter! I only saw two of my hen so the swat when I appraoched them. My EE walked around for an hour ruffled up walking funny when she was about to lay her first pretty green egg!

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