Too young to lay? Or just change of scenery?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 27, 2013
Gloucestershire, uk

I got my chickens at "point of lay" not sure what age they are... The lady I bought them off said some of her chickens had started to lay but was impossible to say which one (she had around 25+ in her flock).
Will it make a difference to a chicken laying an egg if she's moved to a new house/pen? Any idea how long it will take her to get used to new pad and start laying?
Thanks x
I've rehomed chickens who lay straight away or just take a few days to settle in :) Some take a bit longer though.

If the comb is big and red and they stoop when you go to pick them up (although not all chickens will do this) that is a good indication that they are laying/very close to laying
Well two of the chickens have very bright long combs, flopping over a bit because they're so big! I'm hoping next week ive got eggs!! Hehe! It's like waiting for Xmas! I'm gona be jumping up and down when they finally lay lol!!!! xxx
Well two of the chickens have very bright long combs, flopping over a bit because they're so big! I'm hoping next week ive got eggs!! Hehe! It's like waiting for Xmas! I'm gona be jumping up and down when they finally lay lol!!!! xxx

Great stuff! Shouldn't be too long now! :D x

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