Too younge to sex silkies?


6 Years
Apr 8, 2013
i got a dozen assorted silkies this summer. They are 8 weeks old now. I lost one to my beagle and out of the 11 left I think I have 7 males. Is 8 weeks too early to call hen or roo on these guys? I'm going to get rid of most of them before I'm feeding them all winter but I don't want to jump the gun and give away a bird that might be an egg layer.
I don't. I have 24 chickens in a 1800sq foot pen. It's hard enough to grab them and try to check sex on them.
Getting birds at night is how I do most of my handling. When they're sleeping, they're easy to catch

I think they're going to be too young to tell for sure, unless it's by color. I had a good idea who was a cockerel at 3 months old, by the shading on the wing and the comb.
What do you look for on the wings? I'm going by comb size and shape. I have one white cockerel who has a very large purple comb and wattles. The rest are black covered and very in size.
Last time I had silkie chicks I did toe sexing. I'm not sure if it was 100% accurate because it was impossible for me to tell my white silkies apart at that time and I don't remember/know who I thought was a hen or a roo... I do know I came up with 3 roos with the toe sexing and ended up with 3 roos for real!

Its not 100% but I think it works as well as anything else!

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