Touching a broody hens babbies!


12 Years
Sep 14, 2007
Modesto Ca
My friend and I were arguing about this

IS it true that if you touch a mother hens chicks, she will kick them out of the nest.
I told her its not true, but she thinks it is

I hold mine all the time too. Some people have broodies that can be pretty mean, and give you a hard time about picking them up. But mine is just a sweetie.
Not true. I hold them right after they are born to "check them" and make sure everything is where it should be. Then I hold each one every day so they are used to human contact. She has no problem with it either, but I did have one mama that didnt like it.
I want you to come to my house and try and take the chicks out from under my broody. I swear she drew blood once
Total myth about any bird abandoning their young due to that. How else do scientists go to nests and weigh and measure the young, band them and put them back etc. Also, look here... a few questions down in the first section on 'baby birds'

Mamma hens are usually fine with it and it's good to get them all used to handling the chickies, at least a little.

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