toxic scaly leg cures


10 Years
Nov 25, 2009
Central Vermont
i started treating my birds for scaly leg today (again), in the past i'v tried using vaseline, vinegar, and vegetable oil, they all worked with mild success but nothing to brag about. I'm not sure if the mites are still there or if the scales are still raised because of dirt (i suspect the second, its not getting worse and i treated with ivectermicen) but in order to get them back into shape (their show birds, if they were layers i'd just let them be) i'm now using rubbing alcohal, which not only kills the mites but will speed up the shedding of the leg scales. My question is that after applying (dipping their legs in a bowl) they instinctively preen their legs off, invariably ingesting some of the alcohall, at least i assume they are. Long story short, is rubbing alcohall safe to use as a treatment for scaly leg?

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