Treated for worms poops STILL not normal now what??


9 Years
Feb 20, 2010
AT first we thought it was maybe Coccidiosis , one hen had blood and runny poop and a cakey butt but still acting fairly normal. I fed her garlic and she pooped out a bunch of round worms. All 19 of the chickens have been wormed with Wazine in their water 7 days ago (I am planning to use it agin in 7 more days). Some of them have funny poop still, very orange and runny, a few days ago there was some blood tinged ones. They are all acting healthy and alert. Should I look at treating with something else? I wondered about giving them medicated feed the next few weeks since we aren't eating the eggs right now anyways?? We have chicks being born in 11 days and I would really like this all sorted first so nothing gets passed to them! Thanks for any help!!
I think what you are asking for help with is beyond my knowledge, but I am bumping you to keep it current. I am curious as to whether your birds are full-grown, as they seem to be from what you write, and if they are, what medicated feed are you mentioning using? Medicated feed (chick starter) is actually a preventative, not an active treatment, as far as I know. I hope someone comes along with more info than I know. Good luck with your birds.
I have 2 that are 2 years old, 6 are 6 months old the other 10 are 20 weeks old and not quite laying!

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