I have a 10 week old Dominique that is hot to touch, more sleepy, tends be away from others, I have it separated.
Fed it scrambled eggs w sugar.
Vent is clear, eyes clear,
I did see it gagging yawning for a little bit but stopped and didn’t do it for a few days.
Apple cidar vinager and electrolytes in water.
I am not sure what to do.
I would take a picture but it looks fine. Oh and poop is normal looking. Formed w a touch of white (no mucus or blood)
I do have doxycycline but not sure if I should give it. I made the bird drink vitamin water. He or she doesn’t like being away from the others. And it did try to forage a bit just not doing the same as the others.
Quarantined and waiting to see if he or she improves.
Can they have garlic? Garlic is a natural antibiotic
Fed it scrambled eggs w sugar.
Vent is clear, eyes clear,
I did see it gagging yawning for a little bit but stopped and didn’t do it for a few days.
Apple cidar vinager and electrolytes in water.
I am not sure what to do.
I would take a picture but it looks fine. Oh and poop is normal looking. Formed w a touch of white (no mucus or blood)
I do have doxycycline but not sure if I should give it. I made the bird drink vitamin water. He or she doesn’t like being away from the others. And it did try to forage a bit just not doing the same as the others.
Quarantined and waiting to see if he or she improves.
Can they have garlic? Garlic is a natural antibiotic