My bantam cochin recently came down with an impacted crop. I caught it in time, isolated her and withdrew her regular feed. The first day, I gave her only a little soft bread dipped in olive oil and water with ACV and a little apple juice mixed in. The second day I gave her a little more bread than the day before and also added some scrambled egg. I massaged the crop several times each day. I did not "vomit" her, but during one massage she did throw up a little. By the third day, I managed to squeeze down the hard "tennis ball" lump to a soft gushy sponge, which eventually also passed. It has been almost a week and the impacted crop is gone and now she is back to eating normally. She hasn't laid since the first day I brought her inside. But that may have a lot to do with the stress of being confined.
I still have her isolated (in the house in a large dog crate) because she has diarrhea. I would like to see that cleared up before I put her back out with the other girls. But it doesn't seem to be getting better. Every now and again, there's a small solid poop, but most of the time it's very watery.
I'm wondering if I should treat her for worms? Or give her some probiotics? She is now eating layer crumble, grit and oyster shells, and her water has vitamins in it. Is there something else I should add/do?
Thank you for your help. Monique is very special, I really want to see her feel better.
I still have her isolated (in the house in a large dog crate) because she has diarrhea. I would like to see that cleared up before I put her back out with the other girls. But it doesn't seem to be getting better. Every now and again, there's a small solid poop, but most of the time it's very watery.
I'm wondering if I should treat her for worms? Or give her some probiotics? She is now eating layer crumble, grit and oyster shells, and her water has vitamins in it. Is there something else I should add/do?
Thank you for your help. Monique is very special, I really want to see her feel better.