Treatment for splay leg making it worse?


7 Years
May 13, 2012
Anybody ever seen such? I have a 3-4 day old chick I've been treating for a congenital splay in one leg with the bandaid method as illustrated on the net. I started treating within 24 hours of hatch. She now has a leg turned at 90 degrees from normal. However, she is able to stand and walk, which she couldn't do even after 48 hours post-hatch. I am thinking about leaving her alone unless someone has some more ideas about how to fix and seeing how she does. She is able to get around, feed, drink, etc pretty well considering.

My house is full of animals that are crippled or have various issues. Guess we had to have at least one crippled chicken. Too bad it's a Swedish Flower Hen, and in my first hatch.

We will make sure she won't be picked on and can live where she will be safe from harm.

I'll have to post a before and after, if I have a before photo.

Very odd. I can't find anything on the net saying this doesn't work. I'm sure I put the bandaids on correctly.


Yes, I'm pretty sure it isn't slipped tendon.

She gets around really well...I had a tough time catching her this evening! She is fast!

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