Treats for Chicks?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 3, 2013
I'm getting another batch of chicks soon, and I want to give them treats. I give my chickens treats, but I don't know what treats can chicks have? Thanks
I top dress the chick mash with a few dried mealworms, which you can usually buy from the feed store - just be crumble them up until they're a couple to three weeks old! Also, there's a great product from called Chickie Puffs... they also have Chicken Caviar!!
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That's a huge bag of mealworms, Teppler!! Where do you order those from? I buy the small ones from the feed store for like $11.50 & I'd love a better deal than that!
Oatmeal and scrambled eggs are very popular chick snacks. Once they are older they can start eating fruits, veggies, bread, pasta, etc. Just no sugar, salt, alcohol, raw potatoes, etc.
Mine started eating broccoli when they were about 10 days old. Chop it up really small at first. Mine absolute loved it and it is still their favorite food. At about 2 weeks they started eating strawberry tops (cut up), cooked rice, small amounts of cheese (it has a lot of salt in it) Shortly thereafter they ate veggies -corn and peas are their favorite - and hard boiled eggs.

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