Truck Bed Goat Pen


12 Years
Nov 30, 2007
Central Arkansas
I am trying to find plans for a goat pen you build to fit a truck bed. I've seen them around town, but am never in a position to stop and really examine them.

They are usually made with a wood frame and Chain link, and look to be removable. But they are sturdy enough to transport goats in the back of your truck without a tydown or risking them jumping out. Almost like a goat cage.

Has anyone seen plans for these, or even knows what I am talking about? Thanks!
I think I know what you are talking about. Does your truck have the little openings along the top sides of the bed? Usually these openings are 1x1" If so....slip a 1x1 in each opening....screw on some slats..usually 1x3's work well...and you can tarp the top. Make sure you put the slats on from the inside of the bed....otherwise the goats might be able to knock them off if scared. Hope this helps.
I build these Transport Pens and Wild Hog Traps. Attached is a sample of each.

Hog Traps- $300 4X5X3

Transport Pen - $275 4X5X3 (picture is one that my brother built)

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