Trying to find my birth parents...sniff...can you help? #2


10 Years
May 21, 2009
North Carolina
OK have a nother guessing game you all. This one is around 8-9 weeks old also. It is bigger than my 1 year old red sexlinks. I got it from TS out of the mixed bin. Non of the other chicks like it. It stays by its self most of the time, and eats by its self after every one else is done. I am thinkging it is a roo, since the advanced wattle and comb development. The tail and saddle feather thing has just not had time to start happening yet right? So what it is. It did not have a white spot on its head as a chick, so it can not be a black sexlink roo.



This is it when it was about week or so old.
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Black Jersey Giant? Supposedly you could tell the difference between them and Australorps by the color of the bottom of their feet.
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Definitely a male, though I'm not sure on breed. If it is a jersey giant, the bottoms of the feet will be yellow. The chick picture doesn't look like an Australorp, but they have white on the bottom of their feet.
I feel really sad for this guy... It definitely a roo- are you saying that it is bigger than your JG's?? Certainly there has to be some JG in it. Can you maybe post a pic of him witht he other birds (if possible) - it would be good to see a comparison. He's so big to be so young!!!
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