Tsunami and Indonesia....


10 Years
Aug 12, 2009
Prayers for those in that area. I was checking the weather(snowing in Ohio) and read a warning issued as a result of an 8.7 earthquake. I hope the people in that area will be OK.Prayers.
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Still haven't heard any reports of any tsunamis yet so they may have lucked out. But it'll be hours still before they can say for sure since the entire Indian Ocean is at risk. Big quake.
Just caught the tail end of the story on the news. Sounds like a tsunami hit Indonesia. 174 000 people dead or missing. Sorry I'm a bit vague on facts here, just caught the last few seconds. No update available on our news channel yet.
Thank you for your thoughts, even though our own area is safe from tsunamis.

The warning system, put into place after the 2004 disaster, was activated when the earthquake happened. The news broke on Wednesday evening and we were all alert here because many of us know people who live and work in the vulnerable areas of Thailand.

As it happens, the earthquake was not of a type to cause a tsunami and the emergency was soon cancelled. We did see, though, that many tourists and residents didn't take the matter seriously,

The vulnerable tourist area is on the west coast facing the Andaman Sea. I would recommend instead a beach holiday on the Gulf of Thailand coast where tsunamis are very unlikely to reach. Kho Samui in the south is an example but I think that Kho Chang (Elephant Island) in the south east is better.
That's good to hear, but I'm puzzled now about the news story I missed last night. I've been unable to find anything on the news channel
Was there a flood somewhere in your part of the world?
The tsunami story died quickly because it didn't happen. I've not heard of any floods. You may have caught the end of a report reminding people about the tsunami in 2004 and showing old video.

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