Turbo's new girlfriend laid first egg of 2014

I feel worse for you all down south. This is my poor barn right now. All the snow we got, gone in 36hrs of the warm day we had. As you can see I need a new barn from the missing roof on the back side. We get cold-mild shifts but the constant battering winds just destroys old barns like this. Near hurricane winds so frequently, all they gotta do is get a grip on your roof and storm after storm tears it away. I can't fix it being disabled so I just band-aid the birds till spring now. But they are dry and draft free all I can ask the Lord for until we can rebuild a smaller mini barn for everybody.

I love old barns, I hope yours can hang in there till spring zook.
Still hanging in. Bit more worse for wear from the last storm but still standing.
Whew glad to hear that. hey we've gotten 4 eggs now. unless some are hidden in the shaving. but I don't think so, I've been closing the door to the chicken coop since the shaving in there are about 12" and it would be very easy to lose ducks eggs under all that.

How's Turbo enjoying his freedom?

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