Turkens, are these winter hardy?


8 Years
Jan 30, 2011
Western montana
Im so happy!!a gal 35 miles away from me has these and I just want to know what they are ( breds mixed ?? ), and if there winter hardy and if there good egg layers . There so funky looking, I love the look LOL> Montana is very cold in the winter and I want a bird that can stand the below zero cold temps.
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I live in Wyoming and we have only one, but she is a total sweetheart. I bought her as a pullet from a guy in CO. He had a ton of them at his place and told me that he had good luck with them. I am planning on getting a few more next spring, so my girl wont be the only one in my flock. I can tell you that she is very quiet and is very docile and friendly. We love her...Naked Neck Nancy, is her name.


Here is a picture of her in front of their coop.
I have 2 and want more. They are very cold and heat hardy. They lay very well. And I love the look of them.
I have a broody setting on eggs right now and hope I get some more out of them. The daddy is barred rock so I am hoping to get barred or black. My girls are red.
I love her!! an d I love the picture. so cool!!! the coop is adorable!!!

Thank you. My dad painted that for us...the girls love it too.
Mine are the best layers we have. They were the first to lay and lay consistently. They are friendly too! We'll see how they do this winter but they were fine through the heat we had this july.
since we get below 30 some times in the winters ands them being partially naked, I worry about frost bite. I am putting a heat lamp out there, but will that be enough?

We have very cold winters at times, and mine are out there before the heavily feathered Brahmas. I thought about knitting neck warmers, though!
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Not here they weren't. And it doesn't get very cold. We loved our Naked Neck girls, but, come time of winter, they all eventually died off. When they were alive, they spend a lot of time shivering in corners with their necks tucked into their bodies. I tried getting them little neck-cozies but it only worked half the time.

I've never heard others have issues like me, but if it helps, mine came from Murray McMurray hatchery. Maybe it's a strain thing?

The death of them broke the family's heart. We loved those girls, the sweetest breed around. Since then my family has been too afraid to even try non-hatchery based ones, sadly.

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