Turkey abandoned her eggs.. advice


Jul 23, 2019
Northwest Illinois
One of our turkey hens has been sitting on eggs for probably a month and a half. We thought the were all rotten because they haven’t hatched, so we got her two chicks from the store and planned on taking her eggs because she has gotten extremely skinny (she probably started mid April). we checked the nesting box when introducing her new chicks and realized she smashed an egg on accident and there was a full turkey poult in the egg with the yolk sac partially absorbed.. from the research I’ve done it looked about 25/26 days developed. She has now stopped sitting on the eggs and is content with her two chicks... my question is, what should I do with her abandoned eggs? I have another hen who just went broody so I put them under her for now but I didn’t know if I should incubate, keep them under the other broody or if they would even still be alive. Advice would be appreciated!
Take a flashlight that has new batteries and candle the eggs in a dark room or tonight. Hold the flashlight to the egg's side so that the main part of the egg and air cell are visible. If any of the eggs are alive the border between the air cell and main part forms a crisp line/border the poult is alive. Also if you see any eggs that have distinct veining they are alive. My guess is that the hen turkey has been laying eggs while brooding. I had one do that last year.
If you are unsure about candling take picture of the eggs while being candled and post the pictures. I'm not always signed into BYC but I'm sure another member can help.

Watch for any movement along the air cell's edge as it is possible an egg is pipping in which case you will see a blurry shadow and the shadow will move as the poults pips.
Take a flashlight that has new batteries and candle the eggs in a dark room or tonight. Hold the flashlight to the egg's side so that the main part of the egg and air cell are visible. If any of the eggs are alive the border between the air cell and main part forms a crisp line/border the poult is alive. Also if you see any eggs that have distinct veining they are alive. My guess is that the hen turkey has been laying eggs while brooding. I had one do that last year.
If you are unsure about candling take picture of the eggs while being candled and post the pictures. I'm not always signed into BYC but I'm sure another member can help.

Watch for any movement along the air cell's edge as it is possible an egg is pipping in which case you will see a blurry shadow and the shadow will move as the poults pips.
Thanks so much! I will do that soon.. I’ll try to get the eggs out from under her and candle them.. I tried to candle them before but it was during the day so they were hard to see. I’ll post pics/videos

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