I tried posting in the turkey forum but haven't gotten many replies. I'm hoping someone will be able to help in some facet, even though it's with a turkey! I had my three (6 wk old) poults out today, foraging in our usual spot... in the grass and under a pine tree for a dust bath. I notice my one turkey was zipping around funny and looking at his legs/feet. So I check him out but he continues. I bring them in and take him to the kitchen to take a look. I did a VERY thorough examination and couldn't find anything. He wasn't limping, but was looking at his feet/legs and sort of occasionally hopping like he had something poking/biting him, so I check his tendons, bones, etc and everything seems normal. I have good eyesight and I can't see even a hint of a splinter, glass, redness, nothing. They still stay in the house at night and I have a spare room/den that they are allowed to fly around in before going into their cage for the night. In the den, he is still zipping around, almost like he's afraid of his own legs following him around. Then he starts pecking at random spots on his legs/feet. He is hopping, circling, being weird. I washed his legs and feet real good, rubbed them, etc. Later, I realize it almost seems like ataxia. Although he's not limping or anything and seems sound, he's doing these weird circles and hops.. he goes to fly up on his shelf and takes a few steps backwards right off the shelf. Then he tries to perch and tips too far forward and goes to fall (this time I catch him). He kept pecking and pecked a little gash into the webbing of one foot and now he is persisting at it occasionally. I'm more concerned with the weird circling though. He is alert and moving rather quick, stool normal. His appetite and thirst are fine, but he had a hard time getting to his dishes. It was like he was compelled to circle and occassionally hop and couldn't stand still and eat.. until I lifted the dishes up to him! When I lifted the dishes, he ate and drank like normal. He is preening himself and once I help him settle on his perch, he hangs on fine. His eyes look normal, his wings are NOT drooping, he doesn't really seem lethargic. It almost seems like vertigo or neurological, except it was sudden onset. Also - he is being much more needy, and running up to me every time I come in (he's usually the independent one).. and when I hold him, he closes his eyes right away or burrows into me like he was exhausted (or scared) and is relieved.
Please - if anyone has any idea of even where to start to figure this out, I'd appreciate it. Also - I started him on Tylan 50, .3 cc, shooting the liquid into his mouth. I also have Duramycin I can put in the drinking water and I wasn't sure which to try. I only have given one dose of the tylan so far.
And does anyone know how I could check his temperature? he seems a little warm but Im not sure. And is there anything I can give him, aside from the antibiotics if he does have a fever?? I don't want him to be suffering from a fever too.
Thanks for any help - sorry this is so long but it's really bizarre to me, so I thought I should give all the details!
Please - if anyone has any idea of even where to start to figure this out, I'd appreciate it. Also - I started him on Tylan 50, .3 cc, shooting the liquid into his mouth. I also have Duramycin I can put in the drinking water and I wasn't sure which to try. I only have given one dose of the tylan so far.
And does anyone know how I could check his temperature? he seems a little warm but Im not sure. And is there anything I can give him, aside from the antibiotics if he does have a fever?? I don't want him to be suffering from a fever too.
Thanks for any help - sorry this is so long but it's really bizarre to me, so I thought I should give all the details!