Turkey Feed.

Turkey & Gamebird starter for 16 weeks,then freerange with 5 way scratch at hand & lots of veggie leftovers. They're as healthy as a Turk can be!
26% chick starter mixed with scratch and then throw in a couple handfulls of meal worms. They also get lots of boiled eggs and vitamins added to their water. Seems to work pretty good!
28% medicated game bird starter until about 16 weeks then 20% medicated start n grow until they go out with the flocks about 5 to 6 months old.

We have our feed special mixed at a local feed mill and the "regular" feed is an 18% protein with 150 pounds of oyster shell mixed in per ton. Yes we buy chicken feed by the ton - our feed mill guy loves us

During breeding/egg laying season we up the protien to 20%

Steve in NC

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