Turkey Love


11 Years
Apr 21, 2008
North Central Florida
I'm doing the happy dance- woohooo its official, Turkey Love! Mr. and now Mrs. Turkeys have done the deed, she scurried around looking for a suitable nest...woodshed, bantam hutch
, Chicken coop and finally, I placed the oddest items up in the turkey pen. We had a corner roost type thing and that is where she had always sat and rounded the shavings. Well, I had placed a cardboard box in one corner- no way, yet the hunks of birch tree branches some just kindling, different types of wood leaned up against the snow mobile windshield. Yes, the yellowed old plastic windshield. A feed back up against the top hunks of wood and I have never seen anything smoother then that new hen sliding through that opening!
Not sure if there is an egg yet but I saw the deed...DH, DM, DB...right in front of God and everyone!

Whats next? Anything I should do? Oyster shells are available to her along with fresh water and feed.
Nothing better then seeing nature at work !!! All you need to do is sit back and watch and let mother nature do the rest. Keep them feed,watered and safe and everything else will just happen on its own. If you are incubating the eggs then you will need to collect them as they are laid, but if the hens are to hatch their own then let her do her thing and you will see poults one day sooner or later. Once she starts to sit on her nest you should remove the others as they might kill/hurt her young. GOOD LUCK
Now, when you say remove others, does this mean the 1 tom that we have? I only have one pair, not a trio... Or will just letting him out daily be enough?
Well from our experiences the toms will kill/hurt poults some times. But we don't have extensive experience raising them in that manner. But the hen and her new poults would need a home of their own for a few weeks. I'm sure somebody with more experience will read your post and help you more. All I can tell you is that the older birds will be aggressive towards the little ones at times often killing/hurting them. Sorry I could not help you any more.
Oh, don't be sorry, I am so new at this turkey thing!!! We have only had this pair for 2 weeks and I am learning. The tom is 6 and the hen is fresh, and to my knowledge first love.
I have been told by many of the Narragansett owners that this heritage breed are wonderful parents and I only have the pair.
So please, I do not mind you giving your opinion as I listen to all and then do what I think is right. It is different then with hens- I thinks! lol.
So thanks a million!
He is an impressive guy! Othala Acres is where I picked up this pair. He actually made Best of breed in several shows. Nice disposition even when he has been pushed, he is a good soul. I will keep it in mind to separate them after she goes into 100% brood.

Here is Nic

Nic and Molly

Due to travel etc he isn't looking his "best" but I'm some impressed and where I pay for the kibble that is all that matters!

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