Turkey poult with diarrhea

ozark hen

Living My Dream
15 Years
Apr 4, 2007
Mansfield, MO
I think I am losing a poult. She ( I think)is just standing around with her neck tucked into her shoulders and her poo is like water.
I am wondering if I should isolate her? I kept the brooder room very warm last night as I knew it was going down into the upper 40's so don't know if she caught a chill or what? I do not let them in the run when it is raining or very wet in there but I know from reading on here that it could be anything.
How old is she? From what you describe is a classic symptom of cocci. They look like they are cold and hunched up. If they are on the ground to early they can catch it easy. Are you feeding medicated feed? How warm did you keep your brooder?

Steve in NC
I was hoping you would respond. She is about 8 wks old. They are in a room about 6x10 with a two foot long section that is caged off on the floor leaving them with about 6x8 ft. I have one red light and two 100 wt bulbs in there with an old ladder that they can climb to get closer to heat.
Yes, game bird starter is medicated.
We also have a brooder box that is 27 inches deep x 6 ft x 18 inches that is up on the wall. It is solid except for the top..which has two wired over openings. We put the poults in there when we first got them under lamps that sit on top of the wired openings.
Tonight I put her inside the solid boxes with a red lamp over the wired opening with feed and water. So she is by herself.
Dh and I just went out there and covered the windows with plastic and exchanged the red bulb over the brooder box that she is in for a 60wt. Now we have one sixty, one seventy-five and a one hundred wt. bulbs in the room for them. Floor is thick with shavings. Their water and three feeders are up off the floor so they stay clean.
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Sounds like they are cold. 2 months old and upper 40's - is the red light a heat lamp? For our poults we use a 250W heat lamp and go from there.

Are the going up the ladder to get close to the heat? Are they "fluffed" up, feathers ruffed? that means they are cold. if you put your hand on the litter under the lamp can you feel the heat?

I told my dh what all you thought was wrong so we will try to get that room warmer today. I went out to check on them this morning before 7, expecting to find her dead but everyone is fine. No one is on the ladder but one turkey was laying up against the shield of the light bulb on top the brooder box so I take it he was cold? we will put a heat lamp in there today. The room is not cold at all but not WARM just comfortable...to ME. I am afraid to let them into the run now?? It is suppose to be in the eighties today...what would you suggest? They will be 8 weeks Monday. OH, the ceiling is low in that room and even the ceiling is insulated.
We put higher wattage lights in the brooder room, put plastic on the outside/inside of windows and it is much warmer in the room. I never opened up the brooder yesterday at all. When you go in there now it actually feels warm. So far she is still doing ok. Others are anxious to get outside in the run. LOL Run was damp so I decided to not let them out yesterday. wind blew a lot so hopefully the run will be dryer today for them.
It is suppose to be in the upper 80's today should I let them outside in the run? Or do I just keep them in until they get past this gangly stage?
Thanks Steve. We had a good shower so I am keeping them inside if there is any rain at all until they are older. If it is dry and hot and run is dry I will allow them out. Thanks as I will use that as a rule of thumb. Your advice is respected and appreciated. I don't want to lose my turkeys.

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