Turkey roost

harris farm

9 Years
Aug 8, 2010
what kind of roost do they need? i have 2 hens and they r roosting on the fence and its starting to bend it over. i have a chicken hen house but they only go in for food.
When I first got turkeys I read that they like 2" diameter perches so I cut branches of about that size for the coop. They are equally content with a rustic fence outdoors that has a rail made from thin tree trunks. They also like a small shade canopy made from 1" diameter branches because they can stand on one branch and balance with their tails on the next. We don't like that because the heavier birds have tried to use our ceramic Chinese garden lanterns as launch platforms!

I think that they consider location as much as the dimensions of the perch so try something forst that can easily be moved.
It depends on the size of the turkeys and how high they want to fly. The roosts in our coop are about 2' from the ground. Outdoors they will go up to a roost at 6' but that seems to be the top limit. You might consider a kind of ladder arrangement that gives them a choice. In our next coop we plan to have a ladder arrangement so that they can hop up into the roof space if they want - with the perch steps far enough apart to keep off any intruder.

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