Turkeys died, now sick chicken please advise!


6 Years
Oct 15, 2015
I had 5 baby turkeys, one got sick with what I thought was an injured leg. Turned out to be contagious apparently. Progressive Symptoms in order are: loss of balance, falling over backwards, weakness in legs, lethargy or inability to stand and then seizures. It seems to take about 2 weeks to come down with it. I separated my baby chickens from the baby turkeys when I realized the turkey was sick. All 5 turkeys ended up dying. This chicken has been separated for about 3-4 weeks now and this week has started falling over. I'm really concerned because I put them in the pen with my big girls 2 weeks ago. So far this is the only one showing symptoms. I added these babies to the pen and kept them fenced off from the big girls for a week- removed the fencing and had them altogether for 2 days and then reposted the fencing because my Wyandotte was keeping them in the corner so much I was afraid they were going to starve. I've had them separated by fencing for another week and they have grown a lot. I want to remove the fencing again, but now with this one sick I'm afraid for my big girls.

I have no idea what this is and have not talked to anyone who understands what it could possibly be. Everyone down plays it but 5 turkeys are dead and now a chicken is sick. Please help! One more thing- this chicken could possibly have been sick about a week longer than I realized because I did notice that it kept strangely stretching its wings a lot. I've never seen any others do that.
I would contact your nearest vet school or the state vet's office to ask about getting a necropsy done on the sick chicken if it dies, or have it euthanized and necropsied. If these deaths all involved chickens, I would suspect Mareks disease, but Mareks although it has been reported in turkeys in other countries is usually a disease of chickens. Dehydration, moldy feed, lead poisoning, and vitamin deficiency could be some of the possible causes. Coccidiosis is a common disease in both turkey poults and chicks. Symptoms of that include lethargy, weakness, diarrhea or bloody stools, refusal to eat, and hunched or puffed up appearance. Sorry for your loss.
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Thank you so much for your advice. They have a hearty appititie all the way to the end, except for the last one. They eat, drink and have normal poop. They just can't stand, are unbalanced and fall and have seizures. One or two of them had or or two sneezes that i observed. Other than that there's nothing else I can report other than it appears to definitely be contagious and takes several weeks to appear.
There are no vet schools around here and my personal vet is not a chicken dr. I don't know of any here that do chickens. The feed store is my best bet and I have already tried the antibiotics they recommended on the turkeys. It didn't do a thing.

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