turkeys will not climb to roost


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 2, 2014
Austin TX
I have a 2 blue slate (hen and Tom) that are 5 months old; I've had them for about a week now. Also have 3 chickens about 2 months old.

I keep them all in a coop and also clipped their wings.

the ladder to the roost has 2x2 spaced about 6 inches apart. (the coop in my avatar).

I can't seem to get the turkey to roost. every night I have to go put them in the roost area. if not they will just sleep on the ground.

I'm thinking maybe they can't grip the stairs. or just need more time to settle in?

any ideas?
I think some turkeys prefer to sleep on the ground because they can't fly anyways or as freely as a chicken especially those broad breasted breeds
I have to agree with twistedfeather on this one. For awhile my chicken did the same thing. He wouldn't crow either. But now he is all better and is crowing like a madman!!!
thanks. I'll just let them figure it out on their own.

though I am going to make the ramp a bit more user friendly for the larger turkey.

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