

Mar 2, 2015
Siddha farm, NSW, AUS
hello i was wondering if i could ask a few questions
i was thinking of getting a pair of turkeys and i have some questions
whats the best breed?- lives a long time and nicest and easiest to keep
do you get eggs from turkeys
are they nice birds
can you let them free range
what type of coop do you need
and what food
and do you have to separate them from chickens
if you could please help me
i want to add some turkeys to my flock of
9 guinea fowl
2 black australops
1 isa brown
2 silkie pekins
2 light sussex
2 araucana
2 pilgrim geese
1 cross breed, isa brown sussex
so yeah i would like to add
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Will answer two of your questions. Any heritage variety will do: http://www.porterturkeys.com/ , do NOT purchase commercial Broad Breasted poults (unless you just want to eat them).
They are quite social and, as easy to train (imho) as dogs. If they imprint on one, they can be insufferably curious about what one is doing. Most heritage varieties can fly as well as their "wild" relatives (so factor that into your plans).

Please read stickies at top of the Turkey Subforum & read & download this: http://www.livestockconservancy.org/index.php/resources/internal /turkey-manual
Heritage are great foragers and free ranging them is best. Though, you should raise them yourself or make sure they are not feral. They can be very flighty and quick! A ground coop is sufficient. But clean it regularly, turkey a can poop. If they are happy, they are great.
Most hatcherys will have both of those varieties.

If your looking local will depend on your area.

Craigslist is a good place to look locally.

I have both. Bourbon reds are a larger body bird and curious.

Palms are smaller. A little more flighty. But they are a beautiful bird to look at.

Either is a good choice.

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