Tweety horrible injury or infection

Tell Tweety it could be worse -- he could look like this (this is a chicken, BTW -- see "Terror of the Barnyard" post):



Praying for a full recovery for Tweety!!!
Dear Lord! someone must really like that chicken.

Again, Tweety is doing even better. Being w/ the other chickens has kept him active, eating and drinking. I"ll put a camera out by the back door tonight so i can remember to get a photo in the AM.

Thank you folks!
yeah, not to be mean, but that is one animal that needs a bag over its head.

i feel bad for the other chickens. what would not run from that thing. it'd like to see what a mean dog would do if it saw one. i'm sure our fisty dachsund would turn tail and run.

i hope it is not allowed to reproduce. the recessive genes that may have caused this look pretty strong.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

And you sure need a medal for that one! - Keep it love it and use it for the good of others. But don;t reproduce from it. It is one of a kind.
I really love it! In an ugly kind of way. - I want one!

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