Twisted Neck blue fauvaucauna


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 20, 2011

So a picture is the best way to describe what is going on. Seems like it's getting worse over time. The closest 8 week old chick there is a blue fauvacauna. As a baby her neck was fine, but about month ago, I started noticing her left breast looked larger, and as I palpated her, it was the neck part of the spine. Everyone else is fine, and she eats and drinks relatively normal. She runs around, but almost in an arc as she doesn't run straight forward, and her head is almost always now pointing left.

I'm wondering if she should be culled, or if I should just see what happens.
I would guess that she has wry neck, but there could be a spinal bone deformity, I suppose. I would treat with vitamins in the water (vitamin B1, E, D3, and the mineral selenium) in case it is wry neck which seems more likely, or a bone deformity. Selenium is found in eggs, canned tuna, sunflower seeds, and Brazil nuts (chopped.)If she gets along well eating, drinking, and foraging, I don't see why not to give her a chance, but it depends on how many chickens you have, and what your needs are. Here are a couple of links to read:
I've isolated her, added a vitamin/electrolyte mix into the water and got some E oil, liquid b complex, and selenium down her. I'll see how that goes.


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