One of my Buff Orpingtons, named Seven (short for "#7 with a side of fries") turned broody at least 5-7 days ago. She has been sitting on a clutch of eggs inside a nesting box in her coop. Her sisters have been laying in the barn (I think) since Seven is occupying their box.
A few days ago, I noticed one of her BO sisters, named Red, has been keeping Seven company. Red sits on the floor right outside the nesting box, a few inches from her sister. I had assumed that Red just really wanted to lay in the box instead of in the barn...
Then this evening, I went to count chickens and make sure everyone was accounted for.... Only to find Red sitting haphazardly on top of Seven who STILL refused to budge....
When I picked up Red to put her on the roost, I saw two eggs under her which Seven promptly began rolling BACK under her. Red seemed very put out so I took 2 eggs and put them in a different, covered nesting box and tried to put Red on them but she refused to stay... So I ended up giving the two eggs back to Seven who, AGAIN, rolled them under her... Seven is easily sitting on 7-8 eggs, I think, although I didn't want to disturb her to count...
So now what? Lol.... I've never had two broody hens fighting over the same clutch of eggs. What should I do here?
Oh, and just to add... I'm not even 100% sure they are fertilized. I have 1 old rooster and almost 20 hens... I debated candling them and then just decided to wait and see what happens....
A few days ago, I noticed one of her BO sisters, named Red, has been keeping Seven company. Red sits on the floor right outside the nesting box, a few inches from her sister. I had assumed that Red just really wanted to lay in the box instead of in the barn...
Then this evening, I went to count chickens and make sure everyone was accounted for.... Only to find Red sitting haphazardly on top of Seven who STILL refused to budge....

So now what? Lol.... I've never had two broody hens fighting over the same clutch of eggs. What should I do here?
Oh, and just to add... I'm not even 100% sure they are fertilized. I have 1 old rooster and almost 20 hens... I debated candling them and then just decided to wait and see what happens....