Two chicks hopping and chest thumping


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 1, 2014
Tallahassee, FL
I'm a newbie here and have two groups of pullets approximately 6 weeks old: White Leghorns and Barred Plymouth Rocks.

I've noticed that a couple of them are doing what I call "dancing around each other and chest thumping" as well as pecking a little. Honestly, it's like when men chest bump each other!

These are supposed to be pullets, so I need to know if this is normal behavior or did I get conned into buying roosters?
Exactly. Pullets will do this too - just a part of figuring out the pecking order! 2 of my pullets actually do it a lot more then my roosters.
Oh, thank you! I was getting a little worried because I can't have roosters "crowing" in my neighborhood.

Honestly, it's very funny to watch the chicks go at it. It reminds me of boxers in the ring dancing around each other.
Glad to know this is normal because mine are doing it and are suppose to be pullets as well....

I read another post and it talked about pullets having longer tail feathers as youngsters than the roosters. Is that accurate?? Or does that pertain to only certain breeds? Mine are Golden/Black Sex Links so they are hybrids.
Any colored sex-links are, wait for it, sex-linked. This means that the males and females hatch different colors, so it is very difficult if not impossible to get a cockerel when they are supposed to be pullets. At least, it should be. I do not know about the tail far it seems the opposite for mine.
Any colored sex-links are, wait for it, sex-linked. This means that the males and females hatch different colors, so it is very difficult if not impossible to get a cockerel when they are supposed to be pullets. At least, it should be. I do not know about the tail far it seems the opposite for mine.

Umm, kind of goes without saying, right? I'm new to chickens, but did some research, or at least enough to know what 'sex-link' means

I did fail to mention my hatchery order came in and I ordered two roo's. And before another obvious clue is pointed out to me: Yeeeessssss I know they are too little to tell which are the roo's ..... but I can still look and wonder

And IF mistakes don't happen then I'd like to know how a "Black Sex Link" looks like her;

She is more white than black and has a very red comb, compared to the others. So, maybe I DID get a roo after all, but who knows what kind lol
Sorry - It just sounded like you were thinking that some of yours were roosters, and I didn't know if you knew that about sex links! (I've seen people that haven't!) It makes more sense now that you told me you ordered two roosters. :) And yes, sometimes there is mistakes, or someone who didn't know what they were doing put the wrong chick in the wrong place or gave you a different breed. I've never had a black sex link rooster before but I believe they have a white head/neck/chest and black back, so that little fella could be a rooster.
Sorry - It just sounded like you were thinking that some of yours were roosters, and I didn't know if you knew that about sex links! (I've seen people that haven't!) It makes more sense now that you told me you ordered two roosters. :) And yes, sometimes there is mistakes, or someone who didn't know what they were doing put the wrong chick in the wrong place or gave you a different breed. I've never had a black sex link rooster before but I believe they have a white head/neck/chest and black back, so that little fella could be a rooster.

No need to be sorry
I just had to razz you a bit. It actually made me grin and it IS my bad for failing to mention I have more chicks, roo's included.

Oh Lord! IF that one turns out to be a rooster it's going to be the biggest sissy rooster of all time!! LOL It, Nip Nip is it's name, is the first one to run and hide under the other birds when something spooks them and the last one to come out!!!
Quote: Haha it's fine! I should be used to razzing by now. ;) That is one bad thing about the can never be quite sure if it's teasing or not!!!!! That or you can use WAY to many emoticons haha!

Better that then a way too dominant one, trust me!!!!!!! Though a in between would be nice. :p
Haha it's fine! I should be used to razzing by now. ;) That is one bad thing about the can never be quite sure if it's teasing or not!!!!! That or you can use WAY to many emoticons haha!

Better that then a way too dominant one, trust me!!!!!!! Though a in between would be nice. :p

Both points are true
and I am somewhat guilty of the emoticons from time to time,
but c'mon they ARE fun
and how could you not like them, right????

I couldn't resist LOL

Yes, the internet makes it difficult to know someones intent. I have posted something before and been given my 'what for' orders only to be left scratching my head wondering WHY said person got SO bent out of shape. Better to air on the side of caution and give the benefit of the doubt!

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