Two day old chick pecked raw


In the Brooder
Apr 11, 2020
I’m not sure what happened but it seems one of our baby chicks has pecked or groomed itself raw behind one wing. It isn’t bleeding but it’s very raw and it’s fluff is gone from this spot. It may be hard to see the extent in the red light. Is there anything I can do to help it or just watch and wait?
I only see a chick poop. In any case, if there is any sore, this must be disinfected with a disinfectant. Second, if the chicks are picky, the wounded chick needs to be isolated for a few days. But in your case they still look very small.
Yes, it sort of looks like chick poop. I would try and wash it up and dry it off as best you can to get a better look. If it is a wound, I would try and use blukote.
Haha! Phew! Thank you! I think you are right! I swear this first night was like having a newborn in the house again, except eight of them. 🤣

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