Two Pullets For Sale, 1 Lays Eggs [Trenton, NJ]


5 Years
Jan 2, 2015
We bought two chicks from a local feedstore 5 months ago. They are both sex-linked. One is a black sex-linked and the other is a red sex-linked.
The red-sex linked, which we call Purple, has begun to lay eggs. They all have hard shells and are quite delicious. The only qualm is that they are fairly small, but they will probably increase in size while she gets older.
The black-sex linked, Verona, has developed a full red comb, and should start laying any day. She is much bigger then her counterpart, and the eggs should probably be bigger.
Both are healthy and I would prefer to give them to someone who will keep them for their entire life, not sell/slaughter after 2 years.
We have to give them away since our property is 0.48 acres, and needs to be 0.02 acres larger to fufill our county's laws (I was told that my property was half an acre, they rounded up.)
My family and I are willing to drive to a local place (up to 1 hour away) and give the chicken(s) to you. We are uncomfortable with someone coming to our home to pick them up, sorry.

They are 15 dollars each. If more pictures are needed, just ask.

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