Two questions for sand lovers...


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 7, 2013
Oregon Coast
I have filled my run with sand and will try it on the coop floor. But I was wondering what folks were using in their nest boxes (hay?) And how do you clean a sand run in wet weather? Thanks!
I use pine shavings in the nest boxes. The sand in the run is turned over by the chickens in the course of their normal activity, so cleaning is not needed. The poop gets turned under and recycled by composting.

The layer of sand in my run is deep enough that water does not stand in the run.

I am on the Oregon Coast where it is wet a lot! My run meaures about 27' x 12'. I put down a couple inches of gravel and several inches of sand. I live downtown so I am doing my best to avoid smell, flies, etc. I have 10 large hens. Do you think I will have problems when it heats up outdoors if I don't clean the sand? Thanks for your help! I really appreciate it.

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